Monday, September 29, 2008

New York, New York, big city of dreams...Or how I watch too much TV

So Sandy left last night to go to New York for her law firms case. It sucks, LOL, I dropped her off at the airport at 3 pm and drove the hour or so home in silence. It is amazing to me how you can have awkward moments and get annoyed with someone and then miss them 5 minutes after they are gone. Its not like this is anything new or that I am the first one to have this revelation, its just weird when it happens. The worst part was knowing the flight was going to be 5-6 hours long and I couldn't at least say hi. The only good thing was that 5-6 new shows were premiering Sunday night so I had at least the illusion that I would be distracted for a while.

Animation domination, Fox's Sunday night premiers helped to muddle the night away. Could there be any funnier show then Family Guy? Maybe but I haven't seen it yet. the things they get away with on this show amazes even me, and I love porn. McFarlane seems to do everything he can to push the envelope and make you laugh. I am not saying it is for everyone, but if most people un-clench their butts and relax, some humor could be found for most people. Think about it a talking dog that always seems to be in or want to be in a relationship with some hot girl, has moral dilemmas about sex and loses her for whatever reason. Glossed over always seems to be the fact that inter-species sex is a little rough, what would you do if your dog came at you all of a sudden, frothing and waving its little pink lipstick in a suggestive manner? But that's another story held for another day in some back alley where people pay to see that sort of thing. The interesting thing about Family Guy, at least for me, is the fact he always tries to sneak in a little message, its hidden there like the one beer left in an empty fridge, but its not so in your face that it ruins the show. This weeks push was from Cleveland who showed no qualms about stealing Brian's girlfriend, but when it came to dealing with Loretta (his ex-wife in case you didn't know) he showed surprising poise and class. I know that is saying a lot considering most people look at these shows as just cartoons, but what does it say when the realist most human show on TV is a cartoon? Anyway, so he lets her down easy and says he loves her and just wants her to be happy, isnt that what we all want? So message sent, good feelings all around, ooh so nice and warm. LOL. Unfortunately it wouldn't be an episode of Family guy without the line of the night and luckily it came twice and made me laugh out loud both times, I mean really what other response can you have when Cleveland and then later on Quagmire says, "Close the window your letting all the stank out." Come on, it may not be Great writing but it is damn sure funny.

It may look like I skipped over the Simpson's, but I did. The Simpson's is the greatest animated or otherwise television show period. It has been on so long that most people who watch it don't even know who Tracy Ullman is. The problem I have is that like in the Southpark Episode where Butters tries to dominate the world, "the Simpson's did it." is a reality. This show tackles some very real issues in a tongue in cheek way and entertains us (or at least me) in a way that no other show can. All the reviews have been written, the accolades have been laid out, and far be it for me to even try to write a review or opinion on a show that deserves better words then the drivel I could come up with.

American Dad? Not a big fan, sorry. It has moments, it strikes a cord sometimes, but for whatever reason I just cant seem to get into that show, I know there are probably thousands who dis-agree but to keep it short and sweet for once, yawn, whatever.

King of the Hill, I enjoy this show but again not a huge fan. This weeks episode all so bored me a little because I am in denial. Bill gets Diabetes, I have diabetes, Bill plays the poor me card, I just deny and get annoyed when people talk about it, Bills friends rally and try to help, my friends always try to help and be supportive. Parallels sometimes really annoy me sometimes especially when they make me look at my own life and see that I really need to change some of my behavior. Whatever, I am not the first nor the last with diabetes but I really hate watching TV about it. I mean how the hell can I continue to be in denial when every time I turn on the TV there is some new commercial or show dealing with it? I get so sick of that crap sometimes that it makes me go further into denial. Who cares? I mean I almost like getting sick sometimes just so I can take the day off from work, sad I know but really, what good is a disability that you cant milk a little bit. The problem is that diabetes is not what most people think a disability is, so you get caught between concern and skepticism. I do because I am such a lazy bastard that when I do get sick who'd know, LOL. Anyway didn't really pay attention because it was a show that talked about stuff I deal with and I wasn't in the mood for that shit, I just wanted to be entertained and not deal with other crap for a while.

So all the big shows I wanted to watch were really on HBO and Showtime, I am not really going to review them because I am getting bored. But...

Entourage, one of the best shows on cable. Period. End of Story. I will however try to write something, LOL, Entourage this week was pretty good, once again Eric gets in over his head and seems to be that little fish in a big pond, every time he catches a break either he shoots himself in the foot or the world steps in and shoots him in the foot. This dude cant catch a break for winning the lotto. I am never sure what to write about or how to structure what I am writing, I think this is mainly because I don't know what I am doing, but I digress. Entourage makes me laugh in such a way that I actually could see this actually going down in Hollywood, it gets me emotionally invested to such a point that I could see people dealing with there issues just like in the show. Not only that but they deal with things the way I would and I assume a lot of people out in the world would, yes some of it is over the top but for the most part it makes you believe, and that sometimes is what makes a good show, if you can believe its real then it just might be. Thank you Mr. Wahlberg for creating a show that does distract me and make me forget about Sandy being gone for 3 weeks to 2 months, I will need you now more then ever.

I also watched that vampire show on HBO, blood something or other. I only watched it because I had to record it so Sandy could watch it when she gets back from New York. She read all the books and was looking forward to watching this seasons shows. I frankly could care less but who cares? Wait I do that's why I keep typing, LOL. this show might be good but for me its a train wreck, the acting is weak, the story line still hasn't decided what its going to do and its just plain boring. Have your heard the southern accents for this show? I don't know, I tried to get into it because Sandy was going to watch it every week and I figured I would try to get into something she likes since all the rest of the garbage she watches rotates around Next Top Model, Project Runway and Hells Kitchen, first off I am not of the persuasion that enjoys these froo froo model shows and the only thing I like about kitchens is that food comes from there. Anyway so I was making an effort to watch this show because she was so hyped up about it. I will admit that I was at least distracted a bit by the episode last night only because so much of it revolved around the libido enhancing ability of vampires blood. Sorry but I love sex and this at least caught my attention, the rest kinda bored me, I mean the ADD kicks in during most shows and I have to click over to ESPN 3-4 times during the show but I couldn't because it was recording to the DVR, so I was stuck. The channel changing isn't a huge deal during shows on Fox, NBC, CBS or ABC because they have commercials and I can get away with it without missing much if I don't want to, but with HBO and Showtime, yep you know, no commercials so if the show gets boring and I change it I miss enough that I no longer care about what I was watching. OK enough of this show I haven't really said anything anyway.

Californication and Dexter premiered last night, I love both of these shows for quite a different set of reasons. Californication's story line is OK, struggling family re-united, blah, blah, blah. It is quite touching sometimes but that's not why I watch. I watch because it is a train wreck that I wish I could live, I mean Hank has sex with more women then you can count (except you can count because its a show and you can watch it again and count them), hes a writer and he has sex with more women then you can count. This guy just falls into sex, he walks out the door and has sex, goes to church, has sex, goes to the grocery store, doesn't have sex but sets up a date to have sex. I mean come on, I wish I led his life. Unfortunately, I am not a writer, even though I am trying to pretend I am, and I am married, so all you hot women out there waiting for me to walk by so we can have sex, I am sorry but it probably isn't going to happen. Anyway David Duchovney is my hero in this show, he has pushed so far from the X-Files that he might just go on to prove he is a good actor, and he wont have to worry about getting type cast. I also think McFarlane should write for Californication as well as Family guy, I mean how cool would it be for Hank Moody to say, "close the window your letting the stank out." LMAO, that line was written for him.

Finally the last show before I turned the TV over to ESPN and set the timer to turn the TV off in 90 minutes, Dexter. I am not sure why I was originally drawn to this show but I am glad it happened, I almost never switch it to ESPN to check scores when this show is on, and yes that is how I judge whether or not I like a show, I get distracted real easy and bored even easier so if I don't flip around I kinda go insane. During this show however I very rarely even think about changing it and getting updates. Something about the bad guy being the good guy and having the ability to save the day while struggling with his own humanity is cool to me. I know right, I said I like this show and that had nothing to do with sex, wow go figure. That's not to say there isn't sex in this show but I really don't care, wow, that was weird, cant believe I actually said I didn't care about sex, this show MUST be entertaining. Dexter is a blood spatter expert who just so happens to be a serial killer, he has found and then lost a brother, he keeps a sister just on the fringe, he works inside of the Miami-Dade county police department and oh yeah, he stalks and kills other killers and such, led by a faulty code set to him by his adopted father who committed suicide because of what he wrought when creating Dexter. Pretty twisted, yet kinda cool. Dexter is so jacked up emotionally that how he keeps it together is beyond me. Its like he feeds of it in order to keep is life in balance. The writing for this show is great and balanced, the characters are people that you could care about, one way or another, the story line keeps it going. Just when you think there has to be a let done, it picks up again without forgetting about all the loose ends that most shows hope will just go away. It does get a little far fetched sometimes but what do you expect when you are doing a show about a forensic scientist who is a serial killer.

So as you can tell I watched a lot of television last night, glad I did because it was the first night Sandy was gone and I really needed to be distracted. I hate being alone, I don't necessarily need her right next to me but if she is upstairs and I am downstairs watching TV at least she is in the house. I don't care if we are fighting or getting along the fact that she is close by helps. So I have been typing for about an hour now and I am not sure if I wrote anything worthwhile but if nothing else I wrote allot. Not sure when I will write again but I am sure it will be soon. So I guess I kind of do know when I will write again if I know it will be soon, what an idiot, LOL. Well hope I entertained you for a minute and take care.

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