Monday, September 22, 2008

So we were just talking... from the bottem up

Why bother responding to pathetic ramblings? You say we have shown no shred of proof. What proof was offered in the vitriolic rant you laid out? Your proof is from a blog written by "TexasDarlin" and THAT'S who you want to stand behind and get your facts from? Oh, well, why yes, I suppose I should believe anything anyone named “TexasDarlin” says in their blog. I guess we should all believe that we never landed on the moon either. Well, why not? There’s a website that says it’s a lie. Bah! Republicans spew what they’re told to spew. All they do is repeat the usual party LIES even after the lies have been pointed out and proven as just that – LIES. By independent sources – not Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.


Like I said before in my “republican talky points” you have not provided one ounce of truth. All you have done is made my point for me by not really looking at the truth but by blindly ignoring the facts that have been put at your doorstep to ponder. I notice how the information that I have provided is not even mentioned but just glossed over due to your myopia (you can look that one up Cray). When you give me proof and not a bunch of ignoramus rants that you are trying to use to cover up the facts then maybe I can be swayed but personally I feel you are coming from a position of weakness and so it becomes your defense to repeat the things you Obama say in his sound bites on CNN or maybe what Nancy Pelosi says on the channel 4 news. Hey, other than that I would say you are quite informed.

PS- I will always answer your phone calls Chris if you need to tell me in person. ; )


While your name calling be sure to call Obama President………. At least of the Harvard Law Review


HMMMM, it would seem you have been cornered, cornered by knowledge or at least with factual updates. LOL, It is a good thing that this is all done with e-mail so that you don’t have to actually hear the truth. I wonder what would happen if McCain won? Oh wait we already know, the same crap that has been happening for the last 8 years, LOL. Thomas I am curious at what point so you not hold the party line, what amount of proof would it take to sway you. I am not saying to the extreme as to change your vote per say but in life in general.

Oh well guess we will never know, LOL.


I do note that if he were to bother to actually look at he would see that they also point out errors/distortions in Obama's ads and statements as well. But he'd rather hide behind the usual Republican stance - which essentially amounts to sticking his fingers in his ears while repeating over and over again everything Rush Limbaugh and Bob O'Reilly have told him to say.


Yes, I did copy the entire chain of e-mails to a friend of mine. He has them all and I have invited him to the blog so he can give his two cents. I am only one man and to try and keep up with all of the volleys from you, your wife and your other woman (Bwahl) can get tiresome. I do have work to do you know. So I figured I could get someone on else with common sense besides me and we would make this interesting.

The only reason that I brought up the POW thing is because Brian seems to think it was no big deal and made reference to that fact in his last e-mail. To make it seem that the sacrifice that he went through is nothing is really in poor taste. I know it is not as big of deal as being the President of the Chess Club at Harvard or graduating from a Liberal hotbed like Columbia but it does tell a lot about the character of a man.


Thomas, I just noticed you did not include this e-mail with the previous chain and you included a new person into the conversation. This only troubles me because they do not have the benefit of the previous e-mails as far as I can tell; also this seems like a dirty Republican attempt to hide the facts and opinions of others as they were presented to you. Good for you, at least we know that those spots can not be changed. LOL.

Coat tails seems like such a harsh word, especially since you supported the biggest “coat tail” rider in George Bush. I believe the fact of the matter is that at least he was able to rise above the partisan politics and seek out others of like opinion regardless of party lines. I know your pipe is large so at least now you can put this in it and smoke it. LOL

As far as being propped up, my friend you and I both know that I need nothing as simple as an ego boost of shared opinions to continue to battle wits with the like of you. It should strike you as funny though, that so many highly intelligent people disagree with the stance you so desperately hold to. LOL.

Also stop clinging to the POW deal, yes he was a POW, yes there are facts about his internment that have yet to be released, yes he SAID he didn’t talk but why so many stories to the contrary and finally yes he was conditionally released, but much mystery still shrouds the terms of his release. No one can debate he was a POW, I guess anyone would be if they were shot down 3 times, but besides that why is there so much debate and why is this the only thing anyone can point to as to why this man is great? What else has he done? Help me to understand why Republicans cling to this fact like rats to a sinking ship.

Who knows if Obama would have or wouldn’t have talked as a POW, I will tell you this as my opinion though. He was from the Southside of Chicago, toughest city in America and it would have taken an act of god to make him talk. Just my opinion with my brief knowledge of the city. I know, I know Santa Rosa is hood and if you can make it here you can be tough anywhere, LMAO.


I can certainly respect you getting your wife involved to try and cover your rear end on this one. Certainly it is always easier to stand with someone propping you up (Bwahl) than standing alone. Since I find myself in the unenviable position of having a gaggle of Liberal Lip Servers trying to corner me like a pack of howling hyenas then I must point out that as brilliant as your wife is and as educated as Bwahl is; to try and drop on me like it is the end all be all of facts and non-partisan fact checking is like asking a Liberal Democrat to hold my five bucks and then asking for it back in five minutes. (Brian for the record you did pay my $20 back just like you said you would). If you read the article below I believe it really blows out of contention for the “wow I didn’t realize Obama was so cool” awakening.
The fact that Obama “co-sponsered” a bill with a Republican does not mean that Obama has done anything except ride someone else’s coat tails “Lugar hasn't
objected to Obama's characterization of their partnership or the bill, which became law in 2007, in his ads.” If you would take the time to read the information below and who is connected to and Obama and his law breaking cronies it might help to remove the blinders. This is the same as Brian chirping about Rupert Murdoch!! But Brian is so blind he doesn’t realize it goes both ways. By the way Brian I never made the statement that Obama was not qualified due to the spell check issue. I just commented on it because I think it is ironic. This is just another attempt to take my words and spin them to sell your point of view because all you can point to is Obama’s resume. Maybe I should make sure that it is all factual by checking Oh, that’s right that has already been blown to hell. Oh, Brian by the way if Obama were a POW I am sure he would have talked!!


Ok so now we have woken 2 sleeping giants I feel like Japan just before the bombing of Pearl Harbor, I believe the Admiral was asked if the bombing was a success and a great victory for Japan, to which he responded, No I believe all we have done here today is wake a sleeping giant. Brian your response has brought a singular if not rousing chuckle from way deep down. Thank you is all I can say to this.

Thomas, I did want to pile on and remind you that being concerned and supporting a group that you do not economically belong to is a little absurd. I have always told you that you don’t make enough money to be a Republican so why support policy that may (although I do hope you become wealthy so I can borrow money) never trickle down to help you?

You two guys are what is right about America though, the fact that we can all be friends and be so fundamentally different is a great thing.


People people,
I can not do this any more. It is impossible to have a logical conversation with anyone who is worried about spell checking a name and holding on to that as some reason he is not qualified (at least since about 1960). Clearly Obama is for the working man as that is his platform. If Thomas is that concerned about the top 5% of the countries income earners and how much they pay in taxes then it is clear he is willing to pull anything that sounds controversial into the conversation and it becomes a mute point. However, as not provided, ever, by the right wing I have included “cited facts” I’m not sure if Thomas will understand these as they are not “Fox Facts” but I included the link non the less;
Now I realize he was not a POW but if you don’t think someone who has a masters from Columbia and is the first black man in the US to be the President of the Harvard Law Review qualified (not to mention 12 years in the Senate), then global warming doesn’t exist and this ceases to be an educated argument.


So I woke a sleeping giant by cc’ing the copies of my e-mails to my wife, she has access and wherewithal to actually find facts and support her arguments, Thomas you remind me of a fat, white, hairy, republican, male version of her. LOL. Read below.


Love your responses to the Republican party line that he keeps spouting. Before he starts regurgitating all usual the Republican lies and spin, he should check the facts on

Obama has co-sponsored bills with members of the other party, some of which have been noteworthy. Obama and Republican Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana, for instance, teamed up on an initiative to lock down and secure both nuclear and conventional weapons worldwide, such as the shoulder-fired, anti-aircraft missiles that have been proliferating in recent years. According to a report on the bill by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the legislation "enhances: (1) U.S. cooperation with foreign governments to destroy conventional weapons stockpiles around the world; and (2) the United States' ability to provide assistance to foreign governments aimed at helping them detect and interdict weapons and materials of mass destruction." Lugar hasn't objected to Obama's characterization of their partnership or the bill, which became law in 2007, in his ads. Obama worked with Sen. Tom Coburn, an Oklahoma Republican, to write the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006, which created a searchable database the public can use to look up details on federal grants and contracts. (McCain was also among the original co-sponsors of that bill, so Lieberman may have been tarring his own candidate when he disparaged Obama's legislative accomplishments). Obama and Coburn also got together on a bill to prohibit the Department of Homeland Security from issuing open-ended, no-bid contracts for emergency response activities after abuses were found in post-Katrina contracting.


First off I agree that the original writer could be labeled extreme, I do however agree with a lot of what was written. I think that voting for McCain is bad mmmkay, but I can see your point (for you) of not wanting to vote Obama because he has not stricken a cord with you, the fact that you at least have a reason goes a long way right or wrong. That is the same reason why I vote for Obama, he has struck a cord with me, for better or worse. I cant say if he will uphold all his promises or if he even knows how to get the job done but at least if nothing else he is able (willing) to lie to me on a level I can believe in. Lets face facts here, they all lie its just whose lie you can find some truth in and then choose to follow. As far as McCain goes 20 years ago I would have voted for him, he was idealistic and had a backbone, now he has become such a follower and special interest groupie that I can just feel 4 more years of the “Bush Doctrine.” Although a friend of mine did make one good point about voting for McCain that actually makes sense, he said vote McCain so that everything gets even more fucked up so that there is no doubt everyone should vote Democrat. LOL, I loved until I thought about it and said what more proof do you need after the last 8 years of Bush? LOL, who really knows?

As far as the spell check, I was going to note it in my last message but forgot. That was Hilarious, what does it say about us as a people when Osama is more ingrained into the lexicon of human knowledge then the man vying to be the next Commander in Chief of the greatest country on earth?

Oh and BTW I would always have a beer w/ you and BWAHL any day any time (provided I have the funds) politics aside. Besides what good is it if you always agree with your friends? I am not nor will I ever be a lemming, if I were to follow a group it would be for my own reasons and I would back that up with my own opinions.

Also did you hear the rumor that Biden would drop out for family reasons and then Obama would pick up Hillary as his new running mate? This would be pure bullshit and I might lose respect for him if it happened but it would secure a few more votes.


And the opinion of the jackass that penned this rant is not extremism? For someone to say that “Republicans” are racist just because of party affiliation is ignorant. I am not voting for McCain because I think he is great or he is the right man for the job. I am voting for him because Obama does not strike a chord with me. I think he is clueless and because he says “change” does not provide enough evidence for me to believe he is the right man either. But I do know that he has voted along party lines 97% of the time and has never penned one piece of legislation in his six years in the Senate. It is not always enough to show up and cast a vote. Be a leader!! Do something!! He is the most LIBERAL senator ever and his voting record proves it. He will not win the election and it will not be due to his race but they will have to blame it on race instead of his lack of ability to get people to follow like lemmings. Except for you Cray!! LOL! We may not agree on politics but I still have much love for you and Bwahl!! I would sit down and drink a beer with you guys any day; especially if you are buying!!

PS- By the way don’t you think it is funny that when you use spell check Obama is suggested as Osama? I do!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Spoken like a true Caucasian, LOL. Hahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. You are correct though the color shouldn’t matter but only people who say that are also some of the first people to criticize or use the statement “it’s not because of the color of his skin or anything”. The fact of the matter is that on average America is NOT past the color of ones skin and that is why it remains an issue, plus 2 black candidates and one black president (Bill) does not erase 300 yours of pain, notice I said pain and not racism or slavery or ill treatment? I said pain on purpose because I believe that it truly hurt everyone because we all suffer for it now, whether you were directly hurt or because now the sins of the fathers are being paid for by the sons. Know matter how you look at it, it has hurt us all, especially as men (not ignoring women just putting it in simple terms) especially as me because instead of working together it is almost as if we live in two different countries. Until the pain ceases we will always be separated.

Also please don’t tell me that you actually buy into the BS front the republicans have put up and are thinking about voting for McCain. I can respect sticking with your party but McCain? Come on, haven’t we had enough of Bush?

But I will say if nothing else the Republicans were smart to find Palin, it was a risky ploy but it is paying dividends with the women voters. She is ill equipped and has no experience and we will all be screwed if they win and McCain dies but it was still a very smart and shrewd move to do this with so much strife in the Democratic Party with Obama not asking Hillary to run with him. Republicans may be greedy, money hungry, racist self loathing sons of bitches but I give them that, they are smart sometimes.

As far as Jesse goes he and Al Sharpton are irrelevant and will remain irrelevant, their opinion is more of an extremist opinion and I can’t really stand either one they went from good intentions and defending the underdog to corporate preeners who seem to have forgotten their roots until they get home and crawl into bed. The rainbow coalition has been turned into the colors of choice coalition that can include or exclude who they like at will, self serving loud talkers is what they’ve become. Sharpton shot himself in the foot when he decided to become the male Gloria Allred and started tilting at windmills on a regular basis.

I am not saying Obama is perfect but he struck a cord with me because he is inspirational and does share my values and seems sincere and at least is willing to use the word change, whether he means it or not is another story I know but McCain and his brood are so far in denial that change is a word without comprehension to them so they can not even lie and try and promise it.

Just my opinion, LOL.


Nothing like a good racist rant too get the day started!! This is exactly why Obama will lose the election!! Continue to blame everything on the color or lack of color in someone’s skin. Isn’t the whole idea to forget about race and concentrate on the message and the plan to make the country better? I guess when you have an empty message and no real plan to get anything accomplished then you had better ramp up the racist talk to give yourself a chance. That’s politics for you. When you can’t rally people with your message then baffle them with bullshit. It is very obvious how scared the Democrats are of Palin and McCain.

You know what is really ironic; is that even the great leader and proponent of the civil rights movement Jesse Jackson thinks Obama is full of crap!! Whoever put this to paper is the real racist!!


Feels good to be white again, HUH? LOL. Vote McCain, Palin, 2008. LOL. Extremely biased I know but has a LARGE ring of truth.


White Privilege, White Entitlement and the 2008 Election
By Tim Wise

For those who still can¹t grasp the concept of white privilege, or who areconstantly looking for some easy-to-understand examples of it, perhaps thislist will help.White privilege is when you can get pregnant at seventeen like Bristol Palinand everyone is quick to insist that your life and that of your family is apersonal matter, and that no one has a right to judge you or your parents,because "every family has challenges," even as black and Latinofamilies with similar "challenges" are regularly typified asirresponsible, pathological and arbiters of social decay.White privilege is when you can call yourself a "fuckin¹ redneck,"like Bristol Palin¹s boyfriend does, and talk about how if anyone messeswithyou, you'll "kick their fuckin' ass," and talk about how youlike to "shoot shit" for fun, and still be viewed as a responsible, all-American boy (anda great son-in-law to be) rather than a thug.White privilege is when you can attend four different colleges in six yearslike Sarah Palin did (one of which you basically failed out of, thenreturned to after making up some coursework at a community college), and noone questions your intelligence or commitment to achievement, whereas aperson of color who did this would be viewed as unfit for college, andprobably someone who only got in in the first place because of affirmativeaction.White privilege is when you can claim that being mayorof a town smaller than most medium-sized colleges, and then Governor of a state with about thesame number of people as the lower fifth of the island of Manhattan, makesyou ready to potentially be president, andpeople don¹t all piss onthemselves with laughter, while being a black U.S. Senator, two-term stateSenator, and constitutional law scholar, means you¹re "untested."White privilege is being able to say that you support the words "underGod" in the pledge of allegiance because "if it was good enough for thefounding fathers, it¹s good enough for me," and not be immediately disqualifiedfrom holding office--since, after all, the pledge was written in the late 1800sand the "under God" part wasn¹t added until the 1950s--while believing thatreading accused criminals and terrorists their rights (because, ya know, theConstitution, which you used to teach at a prestigious law school requiresit), is a dangerous and silly idea only supported by mushy liberals.White privilege is being able to be a gun enthusiast and not make peopleimmediately scared of you. White privilege is being able to have ahusbandwho was a member of an extremist political party that wants your state tosecede from the Union, and whose motto was "Alaska first," and no onequestions your patriotism or that of your family, while if you're black andyour spouse merely fails to come to a 9/11 memorial so she can be home withher kids on the first day of school, people immediately think she¹s beingdisrespectful.White privilege is being able to make fun of community organizers and thework they do--like, among other things, fight for the right of women tovote, or for civil rights, or the 8-hour workday, or an end to childlabor--and people think you¹re being pithy and tough, but if you merelyquestion the experience of a small town mayor and 18-month governor with noforeign policy expertise beyond a class she took in college--you¹re somehowbeing mean, or even sexist.White privilege is being able to convince white womenwho don¹t even agreewith you on any substantive issue to vote for you and your running mateanyway, because all of a sudden your presence on the ticket has inspiredconfidence in these same white women, and made them give your party a"second look."White privilege is being able to fire people who didn¹t support yourpolitical campaigns and not be accused of abusing your power or being atypical politician who engages in favoritism, while being black and merelyknowing some folks from the old-line political machines in Chicago means youmust be corrupt.White privilege is being able to attend churches over the years whosepastors say that people who voted for John Kerry or merelycriticize George W. Bush are going to hell, and that the U.S. is an explicitly Christiannation and the job of Christians is to bring Christian theologicalprinciples into government, and who bring in speakers who say theconflictin the Middle East is God¹s punishment on Jews for rejecting Jesus, andeveryone can still think you¹re just a good church-going Christian, but ifyou¹re black and friends with a black pastor who has noted (as have ColinPowell and the U.S. Department of Defense) that terrorist attacks are oftenthe result of U.S. foreign policy and who talks about the history of racismand its effect on black people, you¹re an extremist who probably hatesAmerica.White privilege is not knowing what the Bush Doctrine is when asked by areporter, and then people get angry at the reporter for asking you such a"trick question," while being black and merely refusing to giveone-word answers to the queries of Bill O¹Reilly means you¹re dodging the question,or trying to seem overly intellectual and nuanced.White privilege is being able to claim your experience as a POW has anythingat all to do with yourfitness for president, while being black andexperiencing racism is, as Sarah Palin has referred to it, a "light"burden.And finally, white privilege is the only thing that could possibly allowsomeone to become president when he has voted with George W. Bush 90 percentof the time, even as unemployment is skyrocketing, people are losing theirhomes, inflation is rising, and the U.S. is increasingly isolated from worldopinion, just because white voters aren¹t sure about that whole"change" thing. Ya know, it¹s just too vague and ill-defined, unlike, say, four moreyears of the same, which is very concrete and certain.White privilege is, in short, the problem.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

First off the subject seems to have been blown way off course. The issue originally was how great it is to be white. I will be the first to say that yes it is great to be white. I am not ashamed of my roots or my family ties to the European continent. Although it is easily swayed that if I am proud of my caucasian heritage I am blasted as being a racist. If I walked around in a white pride parade I would be shot on site. On May 5th though, the Mexican-Americans get to walk around waving their un-patriotic flags for their great victory over the French in 1862. Last I checked these people wanted to be citizens of the United States of America. Pick one. I don't mind the fact that they are proud of their heritage and I enjoy most of the Cinco de Mayo celebration. The point is; how great is it to be white, if I were to express how proud I was, only to be booed and jeered? I recently took an interview for a position with the school district's after school tutoring program and the woman interviewing me was African-American. The only question she asked me was, 'Do you have any questions?' She got up and walked out of the room and said something to the woman waiting outside of the room. She was unaware that my fiance was sitting in the waiting room. She was mostly ignorant of our association, because my fiance is Mexican-American. She said to her assistant, 'This guy thinks we are going to give him our jobs?' Yeah its great to be White!!!! WooHoo!!! She walked back into the room and said, 'Well, I am sorry, but your resume does not qualify you for any management or after school work.' She never read my resume. I coached Middle School Girls Basketball four years, taught Karate to 5-16 year olds for six years and was the Manager of a Financial office for 4 years. A couple of weeks later I went to an interview for a government special home loans program information specialist position. A Mexican-American woman did the interview and the posting never asked for any language requirements, yet I put that I spoke and understood spanish with decent competency. She asked me about it and never mentioned that after the interview there was a spanish test to determine competency. I was flustered and had to rush the test being that I had to get our car back home so that my fiance could make it to work on time. I did pretty well. A few of the words I was stumped as they were Reality based words that you do not typically hear speaking with spanish speakers or learn in spanish classes. When I spoke with her about the position she said there were two positions open. She told me that a few other people had been interviewed and were being considered for the position. When she gave me the bad news that she was to hire 'one' other person for the position, she said he was not from the United States and so it was his native tongue. He was from Brazil. I thanked her for her consideration and then let it go. The job was reposted on the website two days later. (If you do not catch the problem, Brazilians speak Portuguese not Spanish. The job apparently still is not filled)

The fact of the matter is; that it must be nice to easily ignore how unfair the race card is, when it is the one your playing. I live in Southern California where racism is rampant but it is not the whites who enforce the practice. Generalizations and stereotypes are two separate beasts by nature. General assumptions of white people, or any people for that matter, are plain ignorant. Stereotypes usually stem from certain characteristics that have been seen, as accurate, at times. 'White people cant dance' Well, some of the worlds greatest dancers are of the paler persuasion, so the stereotype only fits the general population, not the specialized population. Being that specialized dancers are not a huge population, that stereotype fits. 'It's great to be white!' is a pretty harsh generalization. Personally, I think its great to be white because no human being should be ashamed of who they are. To assume that it is great because of all the priviledge it entails is pure crap. That might have applied as close as 25-30 years ago, but it most certaily does not apply today. I can not just walk into a bank and get money handed to me. I clearly, do not walk into a job interview and they all sigh with relief that I am not another minority. Affirmative action worked when the white guys were all in charge and being racist asses. Now who is there to balance the books where affirmative action does not include White people. Affirmative action does not apply the good intentions of the program, to the percentages of the population in its hiring area. It also does not apply to the percentages of the population of the people who are all in the hiring pool. Then even worse, it does not account for the percentages of the most qualified or most talented. Now, that is not to say that the most talented or most qualified is always the white person, but it is easily the white person who is over looked when a company or organization has to fill its racial quota. Being White is great, but it does not apply accross the board to all of life's necessities.

Now on to a much more insisted upon matter, not all republicans are white, and not all whites are republican. How this became a political rant is beyond me. I guess when Chris posted ' Vote McCain, Palin, 2008.' The heated debate ensued. The Republican party is full of white guys yes, but to associate them with racism is clearly unfair. This is a generalization that holds no water. The shadow government conspiracy theorists and what not can always throw their 9/11 speculations all over the internet all they want. The Liberal extremists can spew the republicans insensitivity for blacks and other ethnics all over the place. These racist insinuations are extreme and invalid. The republicans freed the slaves, and yes they might have been more of a liberal party at the time, but then again we are making generalizations. They were still the republican party. Dwight D. Eisenhower interviened, when nine African-American students in Little Rock were not allowed to attend the newly non-segregated Litle Rock Central High School. Ike was a Republican. Republicans might have groups that fight hard to hold the borders from 'invading' foreigners, or the small minded inbreds might mostly vote Republican because they feel they are more in tune with their religious views, but these republicans can not be forced into the same pens as the general republican population. You can not also just assume that a Conservative is a Republican just because he votes with the party. There are so many different types of Republicans, the same as there are so many different types of Democrats. Bill Clinton is the most recent Democratic president that people can look to for inspiration and success. Personally I like the Clintons and they are a relatively conservative bunch. But everyone has their downfalls. Look up Kevin Ives and Don Henry. Look up Barry Seal. Bill Clinton has direct connections to some relatively shady stuff when you look deep into his past. (Besides his obvious extra marital conquests.) These cases are murder cases, do we immediatly assume that the democrats are murderers? No, that would be retarded.

Every politician is just that. A politician. To assume that Barack Obama is for the working man is scary. I would be more worried about special interest running the government with Obama in office than McCain. When did we all know about Obama? Did anyone before 2006 know he was the Senator of Illinois? Sure some of us did. Did any of us say, 'That guy is doing so much, he should be our president.' I remember when he was elected to Senate and the media made a huge deal about him coming to the surface, and all the news stations reported his association with terrorist groups and how they 'heard' how he wanted to be sworn in on the Koran. It was all political spin and media BS. Obama was a young and underdog candidate, so the media machine went to work as it always did. Most, never heard of Obama until Oprah decided that after her book of the week, she would send a message to her viewers that she was supporting Obama. Are we seriously going to let Oprah Winfrey decide who our next president is? She invites Housewives of the upper-middle class to come and recieve free gifts on her show. She has shows that entail how great it is to be rich and famous. Oprah has donated seriously I am sure, but to what? She was great in 'The Color Purple' but does that mean I let Tom Cruise decide I am going to believe everything L. Ron Hubbard says is the word of god, or our creator, becuase he was good in Risky Business? The biggest sales point for Obama, so far, was his endorsement by a woman who puts herself on the cover of a magazine about mostly herself. I am sure Oprah is a great person, but does she seriously have to do celebrity interviews in her lavish home? She does not even have a family, who's interests does she even have in thought when she says she is going to back Obama? What does she know about how hard it is in today's world? We turned from Hillary to Obama because of a woman who's interest is wrapped around her wallet. After Oprah, a wave of celebrities who openly supported Hillary changed to Obama. Obama's celebrity itself was skyrocketed. Do TMZ and the whole celebrity of the moment decide who our president is? As far as the race card I am going to call out everyone as I did after this travesty of political murder occurred. People think its a novel idea to vote for an African-American for president. I said it and I will stick to it. Most people think its a novel idea to feel they can say to themselves, 'Well I am not a racist.' That is just as bad as saying, 'Some of my best friends are Black.' Well, my son is half white, and half Mexican-Black, and I am not voting for Barack because he screwed his own party, he is being bumped because of his celebrity, his special interests are his personal economy, he should have picked Hillary as his running mate considering he would have at least salvaged those votes (that showed how stupid he was), and mostly because I do not feel he is ready for the responsibility of the position as much as he is ready for the celebrity of his position. If Obama is your man because he is Black then you should not even be allowed to vote just the same as if McCain is your man because he is White. Unfortunately, no one is going to be our woman as it should have been.

Obama is not experienced enough when compared to McCain. Him being a POW is not his best selling point, I would agree. Dogging on him being a POW is just cowardly though. Three shoot downs of a Jet, during the Vietnam War, was more than common though. Several pilots were shot down numerous times. It was a freaking jungle with no vision of AA guns or AA missle locations. The VC crawled in smaller spaces than most areas under your desk to hide from the US soldiers. It was a terrible war with terrible consequences. The fact that these pilots were apt enough to get back to their bases, after a crash, is amazing in itself. McCain made it back to base, apparently, more than once and had the brass to get back in his plane.

As far as Obama's resume, I will agree it is impressive. I would call attention to the fact though that he graduated from Harvard Law is impressive. He might be a great lawyer even, but then why did we not vote for Carey? He had more experience under his belt than both of these guys. Carey has been a committee leader for several significant government issues.(John Carey's report on Iran-Contra one example) We did not even consider him the next go around. So first there are so many more Democrats that are qualified, second the few things that Obama has done, hold no relevance. Obama sponsored 70 bills and none of them passed. He co-sponsored 404 bills and only 8 passed. The significance of these numbers is that only 8 out of 474 of the committee's bills, he was part of, were productive. His senate time served a 1.6% productivity rate. Is that good enough for a president? When you look at his voting, its not relevant that he votes with his party more often than not. What is really scary is his voting practices. He has either voted Aye, for obvious votes, or Abstained over the past few months. Seems to me he has started to worry about his political standing as of late. Personally I would like to see a candidate stand by his beliefs. The links that were offered to defend his service as a senator, seem pretty weak. What purpose did they serve besides the obvious. Terrorists can't have weapons of the sorts that are listed in the Bill is kind of a 'Duh' moment. Besides that, what did the people who voted for him gain? What has he done for Illinois? I am not really sure. I looked up at a lot of websites and found people who live in Illinois feel like he has done nothing. Some state the legislation he has voted for, and the committees he has served on, but all senators serve on committees. Serving on a committee does not always mean you show up. When the people of Illinois start to say that they feel he has not done anything, it justifies the original question. (It was Isoroku Yamamoto BTW Chris.)

What is most disturbing with this election is the apprehensiveness of both parties' voters. People are playing that whole crap hardline they always do. 'The lesser of two evils.' That is the biggest cop out that everyone plays during election time. My vote may not count but I am sure as hell not going to vote for a guy I don't believe in. If there is no viable candidate that you see, you should not vote for the guy just because he is in your party or because he is the less of two evils BS, you should write in someone. Not like it will matter, but the fact is, when was the last time you voted for a guy you wanted to be the position you were voting for? I voted for Bill Clinton because I wanted him to be President, not becuase he was the lesser of two evils. Why vote for a guy you don't completely trust? Most of the posts here are rantings about republicans and no real belief in Obama. Sandy tried to at least show some info on Obama, but none of you truly seemed to be enamoured with Obama. At one point the inspiration of Obama was mentioned only to be down played in the next post. That isn't belief, that is just back to the same BS of lesser of two evils. When looking at all of these posts, that are so clearly geared towards the original posting,(I hope we all see the sarcasm) Thomas is the only one posting with conviction. I am not saying that your posts do not warrant attention, but you should really look inside and ask yourself why your so against McCain? Why your so for Obama?

Have you even watched the Obama commercial? All he says is what I am going to do when he becomes president. We have done what we can do, now you need to show us what your going to do. I want to know what Obama is offerring us besides the buzz word 'Change.' I want to know what he is going to make easier for us and our families. I don't care if he dances on the Ellen show. I don't care if he seems like a cool guy, he might be. I want to know how he will change budgets for federal aid, how he will decide not to bail out these rich asses who are losing their shorts and have been for the past twenty years for boosting their personal accounts instead of reinvesting into their own companies. You all know the real estate industry goes in cycles. These huge companies apparently did not care that it does. Instead they padded their accounts and rode the wave of giving themselves credit to the brink of failure and now we are all sufferring because of their ill practices. What is Obama going to do for Teachers, Police officers, Fire Fighters, other significant civil servants. Are my children going to be able to go to college? Promise me fair work environments, unlike those of Wal-Mart, tell me even if there is no free health care I will have some. Don't tell me how crapy things are for us and tell me I am going to do all the work. I don't care about the lies of the mud slinging commercials. I care about actual change proposals not just the buzz word. When ever I ask a person why they want to vote for Obama, they all say the same thing, it is as if they are brain washed. 'Change.' It is sad that since so many have said it, I have to quote it and site it (everyone voting for Obama).

As far as the media is concerned, every media outlet has their own spin, and completely relying on websites or news channels is relatively dangerous. Thomas gets blamed for FOX news, but I never see him quote it or referr to them. CNN, NBC, ABC, etc. etc. are all guilty of their political agendas. If anyone believes otherwise then you need to stop watching with rose colored glasses. Just because Katie Couric says something, it doesn't make it true. If you look at the last statement of the original posting, 'White prvilege is, in short, the problem.' we can see that we have lost sight of what this was really all about. (Republicans and Democrats all have white people and so they are all racists and get everything.) The guy who wrote this is an ass. This statement is just as racists as saying 'Jews, in short, are the problem' and I believe the last people to believe this way specifically about a people were the Nazis. The author is clearly the only racist of this posting. What it has to do with Obama and McCain, is that someone is clearly playing the race card. Unfortunately I do not think anyone who still plays the race card is ready for an ethnic president. Whether it be the justification for your pro or con Obama, it is the wrong reason. Vote for someone you believe in and want to be the president.